This PDU is just an example PDU.
You can have everything on this PDU customised to your requirements from 1 piece without longer delivery time or extra cost. Schleifenbauer’s concept is that we produce all PDUs to order. We have all types of PDU components well in stock and, with this concept, can therefore deliver any conceivable PDU within a maximum of 4 weeks’ delivery time. All our products are made in our own factory in ‘s-Hertogenbosch the Netherlands. 

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After you have entered your desired adjustments, click on “Add to item request list". You can then request another PDU or send us your request directly via this website. Schleifenbauer’s sales team will send you a free, no-obligation proposal including technical specifications of your desired PDU configuration by e-mail. 

8DA6DIS3101 - switched PDU 16A/3-phase (6 x Schuko)

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