Clear insight into your PDUs and Energy Meters,
anytime and anywhere

Discover the possibilities of our management and monitoring tools.


Access to concrete facts is crucial in making the right choices. In addition to hardware, Schleifenbauer also offers you the software needed to provide this insight.

See what we can do for you in the area of monitoring, analysing and managing your PDUs and energy meters.

laptop with statistics

Monitor your PDUs via the Webinterface

The online environment for your Schleifenbauer PDUs

A clear dashboard and settings menu.
In the dashboard you can check the system status, load and interfaces. Via the settings menu you gain insight into the product-specific characteristics, configuration and settings of your PDU and, if necessary, adjust them to your wishes. It is also possible to reboot the CPU or reset previously issued 'alerts' and 'notifications'.

Insight into the measured value of your sensors
Get direct insight into the current measured values of your sensors connected to the PDU.

Measured data from the input and outlets of your PDU
Check the measured current and voltage of your PDU's input, obtain measured values such as total kWh, current, voltage and power. Also get an overview of the outlets of your PDU, with a display of current activity (on/off), current, voltage and power, among others.

Insight and management of network data, communication protocols and administrator roles
Monitor the network status and network configuration at a glance, and change the necessary settings if required. You can also view the various communication protocols, such as SNMP, Web server, API and Modbus settings. Finally, you also have the option to create and add different users, with the desired authorisation level for the web interface.

Laptop with statistics
Laptop with statistics
Laptop with statistics

Insight and analysis of your Schleifenbauer PDUs

Directly available and accessible online

User-friendly dashboard with all important data

The most important measurement values of both the inputs and the outlets

Easy configuration and user management


Integration into your
DCIM platform

Your PDUs visible within your own familiar dashboard

Your data clear and comprehensible.

Your PDU data is integrated into your own environment and dashboard. Communication is possible via various protocols, such as SNMP (v1, v2c and v3), Modbus and API. Integration is possible in well-known DCIM platforms such as Schneider InfraStruxure Manager, Sunbird DCIM and iTRACS.