Deciphering Article Numbers: Understand the Code for Your Perfect PDU!

Curious about the code behind our article numbers? From randomly assigned parts to SPIS codes that reveal everything about intelligence, phasing, and current strength – discover with us the key to understanding our article numbers. Let’s embark on a journey of discovery together and unveil the power of your PDU!

Let’s use the example of product number [D172 VIM33 6 1]:

[D172]: The left part of the product number is randomly selected by our system.

[VIM33]: The middle part of the product number is known as the SPIS code and provides details about the performance of the PDU, including intelligence, phase, and current strength.

[6]: The right part of the article number indicates the number of fuses.

[1]: Is construction type.

In this example, VIM33 is explained as follows:

  • V = Vertical
  • I = Incoming energy measurement
  • M = Measured outputs
  • 3 = 3-phase
  • 3 = 32A

Here is an explanation of the meanings of the SPIS code characters in other cases:

  • First character
    • V = Vertical
    • H = Horizontal
    • D = Double horizontal
    • W = Double vertical
  • Second character
    • N = No measurement basic PDU
    • I = Incoming energy measurement
    • M = Total energy measurement + per fuse
    • P = Packet power module with 3 channels
    • Q = Packet power module with 8 channels
    • X = Definilink PDU
    • C = Definilink Controller
  • Third character
    • N = Passive outputs
    • M = Measured outputs
    • S = Switched outputs
    • B = Switched and measured per output
    • P = Inline meter
  • Fourth character
    • 1 = 1 Phase
    • 3 = 3 Phase
  • Fifth character
    • 1 = 10/16 Ampere
    • 3 = 32 Ampere
    • 6 = 63 Ampere

All SPIS combinations from the article numbers can be found below:

  • VNN1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, basic
  • VIN1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input
  • VIM1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • VIS1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • VIB1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VNN3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, basic
  • VIN3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input
  • VIM3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • VIS3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • VIB3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VNN1321 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, basic
  • VIN1321 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input
  • VIM1321 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • VIS1321 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • VIB1321 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VMN1322 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x)
  • VMM1322 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), measured outputs
  • VMS1322 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), switched outputs
  • VMB1322 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VNN3361 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, basic
  • VIN3361 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input
  • VIM3361 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • VIS3361 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • VIB3361 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VMN3366 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (6x)
  • VMS3366 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (6x), switched outputs
  • VMB3366 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (6x), switched outputs, measured outputs
  • VIP1101 : Vertical PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, inline meter (1 x CEE 3G2.5)
  • VIP1301 : Vertical PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, inline meter (1 x CEE 3G6)
  • VIP3101 : Vertical PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, inline meter (3 x CEE 5G2.5)
  • VIP3301 : Vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, inline meter (3 x CEE 5G6)
  • DIP1101 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, inline meter (1 x CEE 3G2.5)
  • DIP1301 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, inline meter (1 x CEE 3G6)
  • DIP3101 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, inline meter (3 x CEE 5G2.5)
  • DIP3301 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, inline meter (3 x CEE 5G6)
  • HNN1101 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, basic
  • HIN1101 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input
  • HIM1101 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • HIS1101 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • HIB1101 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • DIM1101 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • DIS1101 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • DIB1101 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • HNN3101 : Horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, basic
  • HIN3101 : Horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input
  • DIM3101 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • DIS3101 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • DIB3101 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 16 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • HNN1321 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, basic
  • HIN1321 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input
  • DMN1322 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • DIM1321 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • DIS1321 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • DIB1321 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • HMN1322 : Horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x)
  • DMM1322 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), measured outputs
  • DMS1322 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), switched outputs
  • DMB1322 : Double horizontal PDU, single phase 32 A, measured groups (2x), switched outputs, measured outputs
  • DNN3361 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, basic
  • DIN3361 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input
  • DIM3361 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, measured outputs
  • DIS3361 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs
  • DIB3361 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • DMS3366 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (6x), switched outputs
  • DMB3366 : Double horizontal PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (6x), switched outputs, measured outputs
  • WIB3361 : Double vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, basic
  • WNN36C1 : Double vertical PDU, three phase 63 A, measured input, switched outputs, measured outputs
  • WMN36C8 : Double vertical PDU, three phase 32 A, measured groups (12x)

The article number of a PDU is specific to each customer. Since we offer customized PDUs, we cannot list all existing article numbers on our website. If you are looking for a specific PDU, feel free to contact us, and we will provide it without obligation. Our contact details are:

Schleifenbauer Products BV
Het Sterrenbeeld 52
5215 ML ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 73 52 30 256

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