
Let us support you to select, install and use your PDU.
We will help you with the right answers to the most asked questions.

Discover the most Frequently Asked Questions by category

We have listed the most frequently asked questions for you, sorted by category. So you are easily assisted during the selection, installation and use of your Schleifenbauer PDU.

Products & features

Selection & quotation

Installation & connection

Monitoring via device display

Remote monitoring & operating

Maintenance & troubleshooting

Manage and service your Schleifenbauer PDUs remotely

With SPST (Schleifenbauer Products Service Tool) you can analyse and manage your network of PDUs in a simple and clear manner.

*Available for MacOS, Windows & Linux
Laptop with analytics





Need more information?

Discover our downloads, manuals or send a request to our customer support team.


Customer Support

Do you have questions or problems with one of our products as a user or reseller? Please feel free to contact us! You will receive a support ticket with a case-number, which will keep you informed about the status.


Schleifenbauer Products BV

Het Sterrenbeeld 52 
5215 ML 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
T: +31(0)73 52 302 56


Request customer support

The serial number is located at the PDU on the front side, and at the DPM meter on the side

The better you describe your question or problem, the more focused we can help you